Oniracom made the news after last week’s world premiere of David Segall‘s new music video, “Touch of Love,” and the Plastic-Free July kickoff celebration on Thursday June 27th at the Oniracom office.
Co-starring the valiant “Ocean Guardian” students of Adams Elementary School, “Touch of Love” tells the story of going the extra mile to preserve, heal and protect our ocean. The Ocean Guardian School program by NOAA involves thousands of students in California who are making a commitment to the protection and conservation of its local watersheds, the world’s ocean, and special ocean areas, like national marine sanctuaries. The school makes this commitment by proposing and then implementing a school- or community-based conservation project.
Through the contagious enthusiasm of the Ocean Guardian School kids, the music video shows how “being the change we wish to see in the world” inspires those around us to live more mindful and empowered lives.
The video was produced in conjunction with the Community Environmental Council and the Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, two amazing non-profits who are leading the local ZeroWaste and Plastic-Free movement.
Community Environmental Council is a long-standing partner of Oniracom that has incubated and innovated real life solutions that directly impact climate change. Their programs lead to clean vehicles, solar energy, resilient food systems and reduction of single-use plastic. They educate and activate the community by producing events like the annual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival.
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper is a grassroots non-profit organization whose mission is to protect and restore the Santa Barbara Channel and its watersheds through science-based advocacy, education, field work and enforcement.
In addition to the video premiere the night also served as the kick off of “Plastic-Free July”, a global plastic reduction campaign. Attendees of the event were invited to pledge to reduce some, or all, of their plastic use during the month of July.
As part of the evening, David performed a set of live music with his band, and food for the event was provided by our friends at Local Harvest Delivery.
You can find David’s music on Apple Music and on Spotify or check out some of his other local performances in person.
“Jacob Tell, CEO and co-founder of Oniracom, and I had been talking about how to inspire our local businesses and community to go more “ZeroWaste” and plastic-free.”